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Wheelchair basketball

For some years ZMC has been part of the pool of sponsors supporting the wheelchair basketball team Handicap Sport Varese, a club that has managed to conquer and then permanently maintain a place in the top Italian series of this discipline, as well as taking part on several occasions at prestigious international tournaments.In the wake of the long and glorious tradition of Varese basketball, HS Varese successfully represents the Garden City in a Paralympic sport that combines high-level technical and competitive values with even more important human and social meanings.ZMC is proud to associate its brand with a club that stands out for its achievements on the field but also for the ability to give voice to the reality of sport for the disabled, carrying out a fundamental information and sensitization work on the territory that touches various points of the social fabric, starting from schools.Going to the basket with the HS Varese is a way to share and promote the values of sport in their purest and most positive sense. Warmest congratulations from ZMC to Handicap Sport Varese, its managers, athletes and supporters.

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